Using Equip Assessments with Lever integration
How do I enable and use the Equip integration on Lever? The Equip integration will allow your team to automatically invite candidates to take Equip assessments from Lever. The results then get updated on the candidate’s Lever profile. Readers of this article will learn the following: How to Setup the Integration How to Configure the Integration How to Use the Integration How to Configure the Assessment on Equip How to Invite Candidates to Take the Equip Assessment How DoesPopularHow Credits Work, And How To Purchase Them
How Credits Work On Equip, each team has a certain number of credits. For example, when a team is created, it starts off with 10 credits. As candidates attempt assessments, this number decreases (for more details, see our Pricing Page). The table below explains what happens when your credits become negative. ThFew readersIntegrating Equip with Your Website
What does an Equip Integration Mean? There are two ways in which you can integrate with Equip: API-only Integration - We expose our REST APIs so that steps like creating an assessment, viewing the results of an assessment can be automated. The candidate will still attempt the assessment on the Equip website, but YOU needn't visit our website SDK Integration - You use our JavaScript SDK and embed Equip within your website in a white-labelled manner (the way Google Maps is embedded withFew readersHow Referrals and Rewards Work
Referring Other Recruiters If you are already a Recruiter on Equip, you can refer recruiters from other companies to create their own Teams. And, you get financially rewarded for this :) The rewards can be earned in one of two ways: Referral Reward: You immediately earn ₹200 for the first recruiter you refer. We don't even wait until the person you are referring has created a Team!Few readers