Custom Tests
What is a Custom Test?
A Custom Test is a test you create with your own questions. Equip has different test types and you can create a test of any type with your own questions. Once you create the test, you can add it to an Equip assessment.
An assessment can contain (i) only Equip's questions (no Custom Tests), (ii) only your questions (only Custom Tests) or (iii) a mixture of Equip's and your questions (both Equip and Custom Tests).
Why use Custom Tests?
A Custom Test is useful if:
Equip's Question Bank doesn't have questions for the Skills you are looking to assess. You can see skills we have questions for on our Skills Page
You want to ask questions like, "Why do you want to join our company?", which are Company-specific, and will require manual evaluation
How to create and add a Custom Test to an assessment?
Click on the Custom Tests link
Choose the test type you want to create the test for
Create and save the test
Add the test to a new or existing assessment

How are Equip Tests and Custom Tests different?
This article explains the differences in detail. The main differences are that in a Custom Test, you can customize the proctoring settings. Also, if it is a Quiz, you can see the candidate responses, whereas you can't see candidate responses in a Candidate Quiz.
Can I add the same Custom Test to multiple assessments?
Can I share a Custom Test directly with candidates?
No. You cannot share the test directly. It needs to be added to an assessment, and the candidate must be invited to the assessment.
If I create a Custom Test, will others on my team be able to see it?
Yes. Like assessments, each test you create belongs to your entire team. They can see the tests, edit it, remove it, etc.
Updated on: 28/06/2024
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