Articles on: Assessment Results

Grading Tests on Equip

Equip has a variety of test types, for example, a Quiz, a Programming Test, etc. Within each test type, there may be multiple Question Types like MCQs, essay-type answers, etc. For instance, you may use Quiz with MCQs to evaluate general aptitude for hiring a Business Development Representative, a CSS Challenge for coding skills of a Frontend Developer and so on.

Within Equip, most questions and test types are automatically graded. So, you just share the test with the candidate and wait for the results to roll in! Some questions, like a video response, cannot be graded by Equip automatically due to their very nature. This article talks about test and question types that are automatically graded, and those that aren't.

By Test Type

Automatically Graded

Programming Tests
SQL Programming Tests
Communication Tests
Attention to Detail

For Quizzes and Communication Tests, some Question Types are manually graded, see below

Manually Graded

Video Interview
CSS Challenge

By Question Type

In a Quiz, the following question types are automatically graded

Autograded text

The following are manually graded

Audio Input
Short-text answer
Single-line input

How to Identify Ungraded Tests and Questions?

When you view the results of an assessment, the tests that require grading will be marked as ungraded. Once you finish grading the test for a particular candidate, the ungraded label will disappear for the given test. However, the overall score for a candidate will still be marked as ungraded if at least one test is ungraded for the candidate. Once all ungraded tests are graded for a candidate, only then the ungraded label will be removed from the overall score.

Ungraded Test on Recruiter Dashboard

You can use the Show Ungraded filter on the Recruiter Dashboard to view all ungraded candidates submissions for an assessment.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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