Articles on: Tests & Questions

Do candidates see the same or random questions?

tl;dr: Equip's vast Question Banks and randomization features ensure that candidates cannot collaborate on the assessment

Quiz Questions (MCQs, etc)

The questions in a Quiz (with Equip's content) are randomized:

Different Questions: Candidates see completely different questions because we have a large pool of questions, from which the questions are picked. So, if you pick MS Excel as a skill, one candidate may be asked about SUM() and another candidate may be asked about AVERAGE()
Different Order: Even if there is some overlap in the questions that get picked, the order of questions is randomized. So, Candidate A may see the SUM() question as their first question. Candidate B may see the same question as their tenth question
Option shuffling: Let's say Candidate A sees the MCQ has three options x, y and z in that order. Candidate B may see the options shuffled to this order: y, z and x

In this way, even if multiple candidates are attempting the quiz sitting next to each other (like during Campus Recruitment), you don't have to worry about questions being "leaked"!

If you want all these features on a Custom Quiz, you can do that too! Just create a Custom Question Bank and enable the corresponding settings.

Can we see the questions that will be asked in the Quiz?

As recruiters, you cannot see/select the individual questions that will show up on the Quiz (using Equip's content). Even on request, we do not provide these questions because this is proprietary to us. Creating a recruiter account is extremely simple, and open to everyone. If we expose the question bank to recruiters, then anyone can see all the questions and the integrity of the tests will be compromised.

If you want to have full control over the exact MCQs that get asked, consider creating a Custom Quiz.

Randomization for non-Quiz Test Types

If your test type is not a Quiz (Coding, Psychometric, etc), the questions are not randomized. All candidates see the same questions.

Updated on: 03/10/2024

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