Articles on: Creating and Sharing Assessments

Can a candidate re-attempt an assessment?

tl;dr: A candidate can attempt an assessment only once. If a candidate has finished an assessment and must attempt it again, you must delete their existing attempt and re-invite them to the assessment.

Assessment attempt status and Re-attempts

Let's say you have created Assessment #5 and have invited a candidate to it. It has 2 tests within it. They have received a link (say Link A). These are a few possible scenarios:

Re-attempt ReasonCandidate's Assessment StatusWhat should you/candidate do?
Candidate faced a device/connection issueDidn't start Test 1Candidate should click Link A again, maybe on a different device. The assessment will start from Test 1
Candidate faced a device/connection issueFinished Test 1Candidate should click Link A again, maybe on a different device.. The assessment will start from Test 2
Assessment Link has ExpiredDoesn't matterRe-invite candidate to same assessment. Reclaim credit on previous invitation
You want to give them another chanceFinished Assessment (Tests 1 & 2)Delete candidate's attempt and invite them again. Or, clone the assessment and invite them to the new assessment

Because a candidate can attempt an assessment only once, if there is an incomplete assessment, that assessment is ALWAYS resumed if the same email ID attempts it. For example, in the scenario above, let's say the candidate has not finished the assessment. You invite them again and they now get a different link, Link B. Even if they click on Link B, they will continue their previous assessment attempt.

When we say candidate, we mean someone who is using a given email ID. If the same person uses 2 different email IDs, we will count them as 2 different candidates, because we can't know that they are the same person.

Deleting an attempt

If you want to delete an existing attempt (whether completed or not), you can do so from your dashboard. From the Results page, locate the candidate whose attempt you want to delete. Click on the Red Delete icon at the extreme right. This will clear the candidate's attempt completely.

Deleting a candidate attempt


If a candidate re-attempts an assessment, will I have to pay for the re-attempt?
We always deduct a credit on each invitation. Whether you can reclaim the earlier credit deduction depends on the scenario. The candidate:

a) hasn't started the assessment yet: You can reclaim the credit from the previous invitation, because that invitation wasn't used by the candidate
b) has finished the assessment: You have deleted their existing attempt and you re-invite them. You will have to pay for the re-attempt
c) has started the assessment: You should reclaim the credit before inviting them again. You will have to pay for the re-attempt, and the candidate will start the assessment from scratch.

The candidate says they didn't receive the assessment invite. Should I re-invite them to the assessment?
First, check the invite status of the candidate. If it says bounced, you can check the email ID and re-invite the right email ID to the assessment. If it is one of the other statuses (delivered, opened, clicked), that means the candidate has received the invite, and you should ask them to check all their email folders. If they still can't find it, you can re-invite them to the assessment and reclaim the credit for the previous invite.

Can I allow the candidate to attempt the assessment more than once without deleting the attempt?
No. A candidate can attempt the assessment only once. You will have to delete the attempt to allow them to re-attempt it.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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