Articles on: Assessment Results

Write Results to Google Sheets

On Equip, you can automatically capture the results of an assessment in a Google Sheet. If you need the results of your assessment in a spreadsheet, this feature is useful to check the results real-time using a Google Sheet. If you were to Export to Excel feature, you will either have to wait to export the results until all candidates finish taking the assessment or you end up with multiple sheets as more candidates take the assessment. With Write results to Google Sheets, it is easy to check the results of your assessment real time as a candidate's result is written to the Google Sheet as they soon as they complete each test in an assessment.

How it works

Go to assessment Settings. You will find Write results to Google Sheets option under Miscellaneous settings.
Write results to Google Sheets on Equip
Create a new Google Spreadsheet and grant Editor permission to
Paste the Google Spreadsheet URL in your assessment settings.
Click Create/Update to save your settings.
Once candidates start attempting the assessment with Write to Google Sheets enabled, Equip automatically creates sheets within the Google Spreadsheet to capture each tests' results and the overall assessment results.

Click this link to view sample results
Sample Results

Things you need to know

If candidates have already taken the assessment, their results won't show up on the Sheet. Only results of candidates who attempt the assessment after you have set up the integration will show up.
Preferably, add a distinct title for the assessment and tests to avoid confusion while reading the results in Google sheets.
A sheet with assessment results will have Email, Name, Overall Score, Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End Time. A sheet with test results will have Email, Name, Points Scored, Percentage Scored, Trust Score, Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End Time.
Do not change the sheet name for the sheets automatically created by Equip.
Do not change the column names in the sheets automatically created by Equip.

Updated on: 15/04/2024

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