Articles on: Tests & Questions

Screen-by-screen v/s All-at-once Quizzes

tl;dr: Screen-by-screen quizzes show the Questions one-by-one, like on a Typeform. All-at-once Quizzes show all the Quiz questions at the same time, like on a Google Form. Quizzes with Equip's content are shown screen-by-screen. If you create a custom Quiz, you can choose either setting for your own questions

Screen-by-screen Quiz

In a screen-by-screen quiz, the candidate can see and attempt only one question at a time. It looks like the image below. You can see that each screen has:

a progress bar indicating how many questions are left
a timer
a skip button (if they skip, they cannot return to the question later)
nothing else - the candidate doesn't know about any other questions

In a screen-by-screen quiz, the timer is set at the level of a question only. You cannot set the timer at the level of the overall quiz. Equip's Quiz questions are always shown screen-by-screen, and this cannot be changed.

Equip recommends screen-by-screen quizzes because the candidate gets much less time per question and will find it difficult to cheat.

Screen-by-screen Quiz

All-at-once Quiz

In an all-at-once quiz, the candidate sees all questions at the same time. Equip's quizzes don't have the concept of Sections, so if you enable this setting, all the questions in your Quiz will be shown at once. As the screenshot below shows, such quizzes have

an overall timer for the quiz (you cannot set a timer for each question)
an ability to bookmark questions to review before submission
ability to filter questions by their status

All-at-once Quiz

Switching between the two types of Quizzes

If you create a Custom Quiz, you can decide how the questions are shown to the candidates. The video below shows how you can change this setting

Updated on: 16/05/2024

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