Articles on: Assessment Results

Downloading Results and Reports

There are multiple results and reports that you can download on Equip. They are listed here, with details of what they contain and files with sample data

Assessment Results (all Candidates)

When you click on any assessment title from your recruiter dashboard, you will see the results of that assessment. On the top right, you will see a button that says Export Results. On clicking it, you can see two options: Export to Excel and Export to PDF

A typical report with sample data is available on this link.

Export Assessment Results

Both options return the same data. The fields are:

Name: Candidate's name
Email: Candidate's email ID
Start Date: Date on which they started the assessment
Start Time (In UTC): Time (in UTC/GMT) at which they started the assessment
End Date: Date on which they finished the assessment. Empty if it isn't finished
End Time (In UTC): Time (in UTC/GMT) at which they started the assessment
Points Scored for Test 1: Total number of points scored on the first test
Points Available for Test 1: Total number of points available for the first test
Trust Score Percentage for Test 1: Proctoring Trust Score for the first test
Plagiarism Score for Test 1: (This will always be empty. It is there for legacy reasons.)
Test Taker Photo for Test 1: URL to the candidate's photo recorded before they started the first test
(7 - 11 for other tests, like Test 2, Test 3,..)
College Name, Linkedin Url...any other details that you have selected in Gather Additional Details
Overall Percentage: Their overall score for that assessment

Assessment Result (Single Candidate)

There is currently no way to directly export the results of all the tests for a single candidate. You see the test scores for each candidate on the Assessment Results page.
All Test Results for a Candidate

If you click on any score (in orange above), it opens up the detailed report for that test type in a new tab.

While there is no download button, print the page to a PDF to download the results. Click here for a sample report.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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