Articles on: Tests & Questions

Creating a Custom Programming Test

Custom Programming Tests

Equip has many programming questions for you to choose from. These span multiple languages and difficulty levels. But, you may have a very specific question in mind and would like to test your candidates on that. For that, you can use Equip's Custom Tests feature and create your own Programming Tests.

Steps to create

Visit your Custom Tests section (you need to be logged in as a recruiter)

Click on the Coding Challenge tab. Then Add New and select Programming Test
Add the problem statement. Follow the instructions here.

Choose the programming languages you want enabled and their respective boilerplates (also called driver or starter code)
Write in the sample and real test cases

Add to Assessment

Once you create the test, it needs to be added to an assessment. For this:

Open the assessment settings
Select the Tests Tab and click on Programming on the left sidebar
Hover over the Add Programming button and select My Content

Updated on: 14/01/2025

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