Articles on: Creating and Sharing Assessments

Archiving an Assessment

tl;dr: Archiving an assessment means candidates cannot attempt the assessment anymore. It also removes the assessment from your dashboard.

Archiving Assessment

Once you have created an assessment, you may want to close it. Maybe you have shared it with many candidates but you don't need newer candidates to attempt them. Or you are seeing too many assessments and want to reduce the clutter on your dashboard.

To achieve this, you can click the three dots next to an assessment and then click on Archive. The assessment will disappear from your dashboard. If a candidate tries to open the link to an assessment, they will see a message that tells them that the assessment has been closed.

Archiving an assessment
Un-archiving an assessment

To restore an assessment, you can visit your Usage Page and then see the link to all the archived assessments. Click that link and click on three dots again to see an option to make your assessment active.


Can I access the results of Archived Assessments?

Yes. From the link to Archived Assessments described above, click on any archived assessment and you can see the results as usual.

Can I delete an assessment and not just archive it?

No, you cannot delete an assessment. You can only archive it.

Updated on: 01/02/2025

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