Articles on: Account & Team Settings

Announcement: New Pricing Policy

These changes go into effect from 12 PM UTC time on 10th September, 2024 or after you make your next credit purchase—whichever happens later.

What has changed?

Originally, each candidate's assessment attempt would cost you 1 credit. This didn't depend on the number of tests in the assessment. So, you could have just 1 Quiz in Assessment 1. Or you could have 3 Quizzes, 4 Programming Tests and 5 Video Responses in Assessment 2. Both assessments scenarios would lead to just 1 credit being deducted. This is changing. The new policy is

We deduct 1 credit per assessment if the assessment has 1 or 2 tests. For each additional test after that, we deduct 0.5 credits.

The table below shows how many credits will be deducted in a few typical scenarios

Tests in the assessmentNumber of testsCredits deducted
1 Quiz11
1 Quiz + 1 Psychometric21
1 Quiz, 2 Psychometric, 1 Programming, 1 Video52.5

When is the credit deducted?

As discussed on our Pricing page, we deduct the first credit as soon as the candidate is invited to the assessment. If the candidate doesn't attempt the assessment, you can reclaim the credit later. If the candidate does attempt the assessment, after they finish Tests 1 and 2, we don't deduct anything as the first credit has already been deducted. Then, each time a candidate attempts the next test, we deduct a credit.

If a candidate doesn't attempt later tests in the assessment, we will not deduct credits for those tests. For example, let's say your assessment has four tests. Say 7 candidates attempt the assessment. The table below shows how many credits will be deducted for different scenarios.

CandidateTest Attempt StatusCredits Deducted
Candidate 1Didn't start Test 10 (email invitation credit can be reclaimed)
Candidate 2Started Test 1, but didn't finish it0 (email invitation credit can be reclaimed)
Candidate 3Finished Test 1, started Test 2 but didn't finish it1
Candidate 4Finished Test 21
Candidate 5Started Test 3, but didn't finish it1
Candidate 6Finished Test 31.5
Candidate 7Finished Test 42

When will this take effect?

System-wide, these changes will take effect at 12 PM UTC time on 10th September, 2024. But, we understand that some of you may have purchased credits bearing the old pricing model in mind. So, for each team, the new pricing will start only when they make the next purchase of credits (if the account is created before 10th September, 2024). The table below explains when the new pricing goes live for a few different scenarios. This article explains how credits work, and how negative they can go.

Team Created DateCredits last purchasedNew Pricing starts on
Before Sep 10, 2024Before Sep 4, 2024Doesn't start until credits are purchased
Before Sep 10, 2024Sep 4 to Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024
Before Sep 10, 2024On or after Sep 10, 2024Date when credits were last purchased
On or after Sep 10, 2024Doesn't matterSep 10, 2024

In this way, for credits you purchased when the old pricing system was in place, you will be charged as per the old pricing system itself.

Why are we changing our Pricing?

We have kept Equip's pricing the same since its launch in January 2022. When we launched it, we had a few basic tests and expected recruiters to send 30-45 minute tests to candidates. But, since then, we have added many more features and test types and we now routinely see recruiters sharing several tests with candidates. These tests give recruiters a much more holistic view of the candidate. We are changing our Pricing for this additional value that we are creating for them.

If a recruiter is still sharing 2 tests per assessment and using it as we originally thought they would, they will continue to pay the same price as they did years ago!

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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