Articles on: Tests & Questions

Adding a Video Response to Equip Assessments

What is a Video Response Test?

In a Video Response test, the candidate records a video in response to your questions. You can watch the video asynchronously and award points. These tests are useful to assess communication skills and understand the candidate's thinking process better. Because the entire process of recording and uploading happens within Equip, the candidate and recruiter experience is seamless. Also, unlike in the case of a candidate uploading a video recorded offline, you don't have to worry about the candidate cheating on the test.

How to create?

A video response test must first be created as a Custom Test

On your Recruiter Dashboard, click Custom Tests on the sidebar
Select Video Response and click Create
Set a Title that you will later use while adding the test to your assessment
Select Add Questions to proceed
Type the question, set points, add more questions if needed and then Save the test
Use this saved test in a new or existing assessment

Video Response Settings

Points: The maximum points per question
Auto-Start Recording: Enable it to auto-start video recording after a specific time
Answer Time: Enable this to limit the duration of the video response from the candidate
Allow Retake: Enable this if you want to allow candidates to re-record their responses. Once enabled, set the number of retakes
Cannot Skip: Select the Cannot Skip feature to make a question mandatory. Users will not be able to proceed to the next question, or submit the test, without attempting mandatory questions

Updated on: 01/07/2024

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